Premium Plant-Based Products
Ingredients you would want to share with your Grand-mom.
...because, why not?
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Serving Health to Business Networks and Individuals
From food ingredients, to FMCG product development all the way to creating a new trend. If it is healthy, sustainable and resonates with our value, lets come together, and compound.
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Earth - Friendly Whole foods
An Earthy, Wholesome Exchange
Focused primarily on clean label allergen free health ingredients, you won't need to worry about reading labels with us..
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Organic Products 100% Certified BIO
Plant Based 100% Cruelty Free.
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What our clients say about us
Over 95% of our clients are extremely satisfied and our products are part of their lifestyle
Michael (Coruna)
Dates | Seedless | Organic BIO | (
"Very fast shipping service. Excellent product." 11/23/2022
Garriga (Barcelona )
Beetroot Powder | Organic BIO | (
"I have tried them and I loved them." 05/12/2023
Beenetusser (Valencia)
Leaf Powder | 100% Pure & Natural Grounded Leaves | Organic BIO | ( )_______________________________
"Excellent product, sweetens with a pinch." 11/27/2023
Yuan Wang Ni
Dates | Cacao | Seedless | Organic BIO | (Google Review)
"Top qua
lity vegan proteins. And the cocoa dates, pure addiction. Good brand and recommendable." 12/2021
Karan Pathani
Hemp Protein Powder (50%) | Raw Cold-pressed Alkaline | EU Origin | Organic BIO | (Google Review)
"Been using their products for months, neat products and great quality. I'm going to order bulk next for sure." 12/2023
Monica Garcia (Zaragoza )
Organic Date Paste
"Fast to arrive." 02/03/2024
Javier Erencia (Seville)
Organic Date Sugar | Organic Date Sugar | (
"The product description matches what was obtained, ideal for sweetening breakfasts. I would avoid using it in drinks." 01/02/2023
Antonio Garcia
Dates | Cacao | Seedless | Organic BIO | (Google Review)
"Dates with spectacular taste and touch.
Good deal and fast shipping and order processing.
I will repeat purchase without a doubt." 01/2024
Jose Cobas (Madrid)
Seedless Dates
"Good quantity-quality-price. But the bag's wrapping breaks easily. The first ones I bought had a more robust wrapping." 01/02/2023
Vigo (Galicia)
Hemp Protein (50%) | Raw Alkaline Vegetable Protein | Organic Farming | Previous Origin EU | Organic BIO | ( _______________________________ "Excellent, it arrived within 24 hours." 12/25/2022
Anonymous (Murcia)
Coconut Milk | Raw | BIO Ecological | (
"Received as requested. Happy with the product." 12/15/2022
Anonymous (Valladolid)
Remolacha en Polvo Natural | Molida Pura | de Cultivo Ecológica BIO | Origen Española | Hojas Molida | (
"No endulza tanto como dice la información del producto. Yo tomo leche sin lactosa desnatada con cacao puro y con edulcorantes de asparla o o de sacarina se endulza, pero con la 4 gotas de stevia solo se suprime el sabor amargo del cacao." 05/12/2023