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Protein Acai Breakfast Smoothie Bowl – Healthy, Raw, Vegan, High Protein & Rich in Antioxidants

24 June 2024 by
Protein Acai Breakfast Smoothie Bowl – Healthy, Raw, Vegan, High Protein & Rich in Antioxidants
Samskara Tribe S.L

Nutritious Protein Acai Breakfast Smoothie Bowl - Healthy, Raw, Vegan, High Protein & Rich in Antioxidants

Start your day with a nourishing and energizing protein acai bowl full of flavor and life force. Perfect for boosting the energy levels up before or after a workout.


ListQuantityAlternative suggestion
Frozen banana1
Blueberries150grAny other berries you like prefer
Acai Powder1tbsp
Plant-based protein powder of choice30gr
Almond Milk250ml
Berries, Cacao Nibs, Coconut Shreds and Toasted Oats to garnish
Ingredients table


  • Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  • Transfer to a bowl and top with fresh strawberries, cacao nibs, coconut shreds and toasted oats.

Step 1 - example Mix Dry ingredients

- Combine abc
- Add xyz

Step 2 - Prepare Liquids

- In a bowl mix def
- Heat ghi

Step 3 - Mix and Serve

- Mix together
- Freeze 10 minutes
- Serve

More about the recipe: short paragraph. Treat as extention to the description above. Speak of benefits of the products used. Anything else you want to add or express.
-add tips if necessary

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