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Samskaras and Habits

24 June 2024 by
Samskaras and Habits
Samskara Tribe S.L
During the course of our time shared, we hope to introduce a bunch of Health and Sustainable Habits which we could potentially seek to incorporate into our lifestyles (only if they suit one).
At no point is one obliged, controlled or judged upon for or for not trying. We encourage users/readers/visitors to pick out any health habit that they feel will bring a positive change to their lifestyle and incorporate it at their pace (instantly or slowly increasing frequency of forced actions (habits)). Remember, this is NOT a challenge of any kind.
So here are four Samskaras for October, it is an easy start, we hope! 1. Our lives are more and more saturated by Telephone screen/ Computer screens and Technology everyday, which we choose not to object anything against - however we seek to improve our sleep habits for which we must encourage Melotonin production in our brain. Therefore we attempt to switch off or get offline (away from screens/laptops/desktops/television) for a small but significant part of the day, the 30-40 minutes before going to bed at night to avoid the Blue light affecting our sleep quality. 2. We re invest these thirty minutes to self development (reading/writing/breathing exercises/meditation), or building relationships by communication with those around us (literally, what so ever that is considered rightful at the time). habits 3. Every morning we wake up and it is enough of a coincidence we have been gifted this life, so least we could do is express gratitude to ourselves for one thing we really appreciate, even if it is for 30 seconds, give it your deepest attention. 4. We start our day hydrating ourselves with 300ml (at the least) of Water - (warm water/cold water/lemon water/whatever water, your choice.). We welcome you to choose the habits you feel you could incorporate into your lifestyles. Happy October!