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HEMP SEEDS (SHELLED) | Organic BIO | from EU + Omegas 3 & 6, Vitamin E, Amino Acids, Fiber - Raw & THC Free

🍀Samskara’s Hemp Seeds are a powerhouse of plant-based protein, containing all 8 essential amino acids. They're​e rich in vitamin E, anti​oxidants, and soluble fiber, with a perfectly balanced omega-3 and omega​-6 ratio

 Hemp seeds offer numerous benefits, including boosting the immune system, combating​g cardiovascular diseases, improving sleep and enhance digestive health 🌈  ​

🥥 Our hemp se​eds are versatile and easy to use, sprinkle them on salads, vegetables, or soups, and add them to yogurt, desserts, pastries, oats, acai bowls, and smoothies🔔

♻️ Packaged in a recyclable kraft zip lock bag for convenient storage and minimal environment impact 🌍

18.16 € 18.16 EUR 18.16 €

18.16 €

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Hemp seeds Organic

About Hemp Seeds

What are hemp seeds?

Hulled Samskara Hemp Seed is obtained by mechanically hulling the whole hemp seed in a cold process. It is one of the most nutritionally complete foods.

Hemp seeds have been known for thousands of years, but have been ignored for a long time due to ignorance of their benefits and their relationship with a “hallucinogenic” cousin.

Hemp seeds come from the plant called Cannabis Sativa L. They may not seem like a good idea, but they are more than recommended for their benefits and safety!

There are several varieties of Cannabis Sativa L. and the one grown in the food industry, which is called cultivated hemp or agricultural hemp, contains little or no THC . The consumption of agricultural hemp seeds carries no psychotropic risk, but many benefits.

The list of benefits is very long. Hemp seeds truly deserve to be called a superfood.
These seeds are a really important source of plant proteins combined with the right amino acids that help their utilization by the muscles. They are also very rich in essential fatty acids, which protect. Finally, they are full of vitamins and minerals that are essential to support our body’s vital functions, as well as our mood, sleep and concentration…. In short, these seeds are a delight!

Hemp seeds are oleaginous: it’s fat, but very good fat!

Like all lipid sources, calories are present, but the benefits of hemp seeds are so concentrated that three tablespoons a day cover the needs in essential fatty acids, as well as good vitamins and minerals, for only 116 calories!

Hemp seeds are :

A vegetable protein

Increasingly recommended by health organizations, plant-based proteins are very well tolerated and assimilated by the body.

There are about 9.5 grams of protein in 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds, which is already half the protein of a chopped steak, but ideally assimilable and beneficial.

A source of fiber

Whole seeds are very rich in fiber: 20% soluble and 80% insoluble. Soluble fiber ensures good digestion and better absorption of carbohydrates by forming a kind of gelatinous paste that mixes with food in the stomach.

Rich in magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and vitamins E and B

An explosive mix of allies, aimed at our health! They help the synthesis of collagen, bone and nerve cells, while protecting cells from oxidative stress.

A concentrate of arginine

Thanks to the high concentration of arginine, the body uses hemp seeds to produce more nitrogen oxide, which allows the blood vessels to function properly.

Add hemp seeds to your recipes. Seeds with an unusual nutty flavor :

In your salads …
In your breakfast bowls …
In your homemade fruit juices …

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Additional Information

Weight1,1 kg
Dimensions34 × 24 × 11 cm

1kg, 5kg, 20kg, 1kg x 4