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Burpee Full Body Bodyweight workout

24 June 2024 by
Burpee Full Body Bodyweight workout
Samskara Tribe S.L

Burpee Full Body Bodyweight workout - Indoor/Outdoor with Yoga mat

This Burpee Full body Bodyweight workout is ideal if you'd like to get rid of the Burpee fear in you! Face your fears, and you will neutralise them.

Additionally we've added a bunch of other body parts to accompany the Burpees.

Burpee Full body Bodyweight Workout Technicals

Preparation timenone
Warm up+ Workout5 minutes + 35 minutes
Stretching8-10 minutes
Body parts workedFull Body
Key equipment/sYoga mat
Workout Technicals

Burpee Full body Bodyweight workout Instructions

ExercisesSet/RepsAlternative suggestion / Notes
Phase A - Warm up + Rotational Mobility1 x 5 minutes Jumping Jacks (1 minute ), Jog on spot (1 minute), High knees (1 minute), Rotational Movements (1 minute), 1 slow complete Vinyasa
Phase B 16 minutes50 second work, 10 second break/prep for next movement
PushupsMinute 1 and 15Your regular Push-ups
Burpees (every even minutes)Minute 2,4,6,8,10,12,14Burpees with a Jump / adapted Knee push ups could and should be performed -
Flutter KicksMinute 3 and 13Abs Flutter kicks - remember, back to Burpees next. Check video for form here
Hindu Push-ups Minute 5 and 11Check out video for form here (perform with knee on floor if necessary), back to Burpees next.
Side Plank right sideMinute 7 Check out video for form here, back to Burpees next.
Side Plank left sideMinute 9Check out video for form here, back to Burpees next.
Phase C13 minutesGiant set of 4 exercises - 50 second work, 10 second break/prep for next movement, 1 minute break > for 3 Set
Squat Hold against Wall3 sets x 50 seconds 10 seconds break prep for next movement
Squat to Dead lift3 sets x 50 seconds10 seconds break prep for next movement
Alternate Kick Lunge Jump right side3 sets x 50 seconds10 seconds break prep for next movement
Alternate Kick Lunge Jump left side3 sets x 50 seconds10 seconds break prep for next movement
Phase D5 minutesStretch tense areas
Full body StretchA full body stretch of atleast 5 minutes, progressing to further personal adaptations. Beginners can try a 5 minute basic stretch right here.
Burpee Full body Bodyweight workout

Workout Notes and tips

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