24 June 2024 by

The Power Monday has arrived with your dose of motivation and knowledge to face the week with energy, a lot of strenght and a big smile.

“I opened two gifts this morning. They were my eyes.”


Sometimes we forget how lucky we are to be lucky enough to be alive and enjoy life, not everyone is so lucky. Life itself is a gift. These I will try to value all that I have, am and feel with those I love. Stop for a second and appreciate the moment I live. I hope they bring you many gifts, especially those that are not unwrapped.

2. Pauer Curiosity

HIIT- High interval intensity training

A form of cardiovascular exercise that alternates short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with shorter recovery periods, until you are too busted to continue.

The whole exercise usually takes less than 30 minutes. It has several benefits over conventional cardio (as running for example) getting an increase in VO2max, testosterone, burning the same amount of calories in less time and helping glucose metabolism. It is a very versatile and practical type of training as it does not require much equipment, time or exercises in particular, but it depends a lot on the motivation of the individual.

Try it!

3. Power Monday - Weekly song

Sia - Snowman 

I love this band!

I don’t like Christmas songs very much, but this one brings back old memories.

I hope you have a great holiday with those you love! I wish you the best that can happen to you and that life brings you very good times.

PD: I wish you a wonderful week!

Power Monday creator Pau Vancells
Hi, my name is Pau - creator of Power Monday! I'm passionate about, health, movement, nutrition, motivation, curiosities and I want to contribute with some useful and functional knowledge I gather every now and then.

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