The Power Monday has arrived with your dose of motivation and knowledge to face the week with energy, a lot of strenght and a big smile.
"Future is a thief.”
Aubrey Marcus
The future is not a real experience, it is an idea generated by the mind.
It robs you of the present moment, the present, it gives you hope and fear.
Hope tells you that what is happening right now is not as good as it could be.
Fears tell you not to be happy right now because you could lose everything.
To live quietly I have to limit the amount of time I spend thinking about the future. You have to invest enough time to know where you are going, but then go back to the present, because that’s where life is.

2. Pauer Curiosity
Intermittent fasting is currently one of the most popular health and fitness trends in the world. It is a food pattern that separates periods of fasting and eating , it does not specify what to eat but when to eat. It usually involves partial daily fasts of 14-16 hours or full fasts of 24 hours, twice a week. In fact, fasting has been a practice throughout human evolution present in many different cultures and religions.
On an empty stomach, growth hormone levels go up and insulin levels go down . The cells of the body also change the expression of certain genes and *begin important processes of cell repair .
This pattern is used to lose weight, improve concentration, improve health and simplify lifestyle. Many studies show positive effects on: insulin resistance, inflammation, weight loss, cancer, mental health, muscle recovery and aging.
剪梅- Fei Yu Qing
PD: I wish you an epic and magic week!

Hi, my name is Pau - creator of Power Monday! I'm passionate about, health, movement, nutrition, motivation, curiosities and I want to contribute with some useful and functional knowledge I gather every now and then.
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