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Incredible Turmeric Smoothie - 1 Plant-Based Recipe

24 June 2024 by
Incredible Turmeric Smoothie - 1 Plant-Based Recipe
Samskara Tribe S.L

Samskara Plant-Based recipes - Turmeric Powder & Rice Protein - Gluten Free


Would you like a winner of an immune system while replenish and repair your muscle after a heavy workout?🏆
Here is a refreshing morning beverage you can enjoy, strong flavours, however, it's much needed to fire up and boost your defense. ✅ 🍋🔥

You will need 🔆:
-some Ginger
-Pineapple pieces or juice
-Turmeric root or powder
-frozen Banana
-30gr Rice Protein powder
-some water

Simply BLEND the beautiful colours together and enjoy cold! Let us know how you liked it!

Plant Based Recipes, Turmeric, Rice Protein

¿Te gustaría tener un ganador de un sistema inmunológico mientras repones y reparas tu músculo después de un entrenamiento pesado? 🏆
Aquí tienes una refrescante bebida matutina que puedes disfrutar, de sabores fuertes, sin embargo, es muy necesaria para encender y aumentar tus defensas. ✅ 🍋🔥

Necesitarás 🔆:
-Algún jengibre
-Pedazos de piña o jugo
-Raíz o polvo de la tortuga
-Plátano congelado
-30 gramos de proteína de arroz en polvo
-alguna agua

Simplemente MEZCLA los hermosos colores juntos y disfruta del frío! ¡Háganos saber cómo le ha gustado!

#vegan #immunesystem #immunebooster #immunity #healthyfood #power

#mental #focus #adhd #plantbased #protein #vegano #vegetariano #salud

#smoothie #wellness #belleza #barcelona

Visit our shop to check out our range of products, which will help you make these awesome recipes! All Products – Samskara Tribe

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Turmeric Powder available on our online shop!! Click Turmeric Powder | Organic BIO - Samskara Tribe or below:

Turmeric Powder, Plant Based Recipes



Rice Protein available on our online shop!! Click Rice Protein Powder (80%) | Organic BIO - Samskara Tribe or below:

Rice Protein, Plant Based Recipes


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