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The 'Superfoods' market, and Introducing Samskara Nutri Boosters

24 June 2024 by
The 'Superfoods' market, and Introducing Samskara Nutri Boosters
Samskara Tribe S.L
NamasteNamaste! Welcome to Samskara!
You will notice we work with dry foods, and compliment it with Fitness and Health related information and material. Most of our products are what the market generally knows as 'Superfoods'. 
However, we consider food as general food and choose not to add the term 'Super' to it. As the founder of Samskara, and being from Indian origin, it is only very recent to my consciousness that all of a sudden, our society (currently the West) is claiming Turmeric as a super food. I remember Turmeric being used in my mom's kitchen from as far as my memory reaches out to, and we have always considered it as just another spice, only so it has multiple uses and rich in minerals and extremely nutritious. Same goes for Maca to a Native American, or Baobab to a native South African. Nature has gifted every region with diverse nutrients from diverse sources. Thanks to advances and globalisation, we are now able to get hand to any food item/product we want with in the matter of days. And indeed, it calls for a great market to bring a bunch or even the best of of nutritionally rich food produce from different parts of the world and put it under the category of 'Super foods'. sms foods
With all due respect to the industry and market, we are personally always grand advocates of Health, Fitness foods and encouraging healthier alternatives to people, however henceforth we will be addressing the term 'Samskara Nutri boosters' as an alternate to 'Super foods'. By no means we would like to associate and imply to users that they will become in any way associated to the term 'super' by consuming these products. Indeed, these products are nutrient boosters and compared to a potato, tomato, lettuce or even carrot, gram to gram, they are much more nutritionally dense. And Indeed honestly, it is also a way for us to personally address our products.
So we try not to give one area too much value and less value to another, food is food, be it super, be it not so super potato and all foods have Nutrition in them.
With Samskara Nutri boosters, we are committed to using our knowledge into preparing healthy and extremely nutritious profiles of supplements. These combinations are all under ''Samskara Booster Combos'' category. We encourage you to review our Samskara Booster Combo if you are seeking to fulfil a ton of nutrients into one shake, or yet find quick meal replacement hack because you don't have enough time to bring a rightful combination of protein and vitamins in one plate during your day.


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